On page three of the Costa Blanca News yesterday is yet more damning evidence against the animal collecting agency, Cereco in Crevillente, a report stating that they are now killing animals within 24 hours of their arrival. Last week K9 committee members received a pat on the head from Councillor Wiszniewski, now they are urging anyone that finds an abandoned animal to TAKE IT TO THE LOCAL POLICE! Well done Councillor Jeff, K9 are now doing your bidding, more animals are being sent to that hell-hole for pets in Crevillente.

Local animal welfare charities were formed by their founders for the purpose of rescuing and keeping abandoned, sick and abused animals out of the hands of the police and Cereco. This is why the public donate generously to animal charities, to keep them safe, not for them to ‘pass the buck’ onto the local police and then forget about it.

My advice to the current K9 committee, and in particular to Sheona Lavisher the President of K9...
Read the statutes and laws of the K9 association and look at what the other animal charities do. One thing is written in stone; THEY DO NOT SEND ANIMALS TO CERECO!

Brian Anderson
K9 Former assistant treasurer

La Marina