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Posh Palace

Does anyone know if Posh Palace is still open? Thank you

La Marina

The word is that the Police have closed them down on a couple of occasions recently.
So it seems they are not immune as they thought they were.
But as long as you pay the 40 euro membership you can go on in.
Found the following posted elsewhere
Just a little sum up of the week ahead. Thursday afternoon we have the amazing Paul Christie between 1.30pm and 3.30pm. Then Friday night we have the beautiful and talented Cherry K and on Saturday Night we have the very talented Gary Jay from the UK performing an ELVIS TRIBUTE. Fabulous week ahead at POSH. See you there.

Commented Hope in La Marina 2014-09-09 06:37:21 UTC

Posh Palace is the Indian restaurant on consum square and they are still open, as far as I know they have never been closed down by the police.

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2014-09-09 06:47:43 UTC

Neither Posh Private Members Club nor Posh Palace are closed down.

Commented alison in La Marina 2014-09-14 18:27:05 UTC